Bullying: A Serious Social Problem
Bullying is an undesirable word commonly encountered in schools and at workplaces. Bullying is associated with the abusive behavior of an enlightened person. Bullies fear being publicly summoned to account for their actions. Hence, this demonstrates that a person who bullies aims at hiding his/her inadequacy. Despite the bravery that bullies illustrate they are individuals of low self-esteem and confidence.
Student bullying
Student bullying is a prevalent phenomenon in most schools across the world. Several factors are linked to the vice. In my opinion, I view that the demand to dominate and suppress other students and getting one’s way causes a person to bully. When a bully needs more control over others, he/she views the only alternative is to invoke undesirable behavior, which seems to him/her as legitimate. Also, defiant and aggressive behavior contributes to bullying. Field (2006) indicates that a student who is disobedient toward the parents, teachers, and other adults, is likely to bully others in the school.
Why bullying happens
People bully to hide their incompetence. The level in which a person bullies describes his/her inadequacy. Field (1996) illustrates that people who bully tend to direct their inadequacy towards others. This is done to avoid accepting responsibility, reduce fear of being weak, and divert attention from their inadequacy.
Who does bullying?
Bullying is typically accomplished by people who have never learned the practice of owning responsibility for their behavior. Similarly, a person who bullies fails to recognize the consequences of his/her behavior on others. This indicates that they do not recognize a better way of behaving (Macfarlane and McPherson, 2004).
Is experience linked to bullying?
It is difficult to connect bullying behavior with an individual’s past experiences. However, according to Macfarlane and McPherson (2004), the types of families that bullies have may support the connection. Macfarlane and McPherson (2004) explain bullies tend to come from households that are characterized by little affection or friendliness. Similarly, these households usually consider themselves as separated from each other.
Effects of bullying
Bullying is a behavior linked to several effects. Long-term emotional damage is one effect connected to bullying. The experience of being bullied results in irreversible damage to a victim. Shore (2006) indicates that bullying leads to long-term wounds which cause damage to one’s self-esteem. Consequently, bullying instills self-loathing and fear. This is because bullying, being a recurring practice damages the capability of viewing oneself as a capable and worthwhile person.
What has been done?
Various schools and other institutions affected by bullying have placed bully and victims problems on their administration plan. Several suggestions about handling and preventing bully behaviors have been proposed. One of the strategies being embraced is focusing on changing the victim’s behavior (Shore, 2006). Education on this aspect is being done to reduce vulnerability to bullying.
Measures to be taken to deter bullying
Bullying is undesirable behavior that society must deter at all costs. In schools, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders should have a piece of working knowledge on how to manage the vice (Shore, 2006). The knowledge acquired can be used to understand the causes, effects, and the necessary intervention. Similarly, Macfarlane and McPherson (2004) suggest that the knowledge gained can systematically be used to implement elaborate strategies which can reduce the vice.
Reference List
Field, T. (1996). Bully in sight: how to predict, resist, challenge and combat workplace bullying: overcoming the silence and denial by which abuse thrives. Texas: Success Unlimited.
Macfarlane, A., and McPherson, A. (2004). Bullying: The Truth. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Shore, K. (2006). The ABC’s of Bullying Prevention: A Comprehensive Schoolwide Approach. New York: NPR Inc.
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